Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Behavioral Economics and Marketing: Structuring Choices and Accounting For Biases in Customer Behavior

Published : Journal Integreted Marketing Communication - 2011

Social marketing and behavioral economics have much in common. Each considers how individuals respond to various stimuli and how various incentives can drive desired (and profit maximizing)  behaviors. Behavioral economics differs from classical economics in the strict assumptions regarding rational thoughts and choices that are lessened to allow for emotion, poor judgment, and various cultural influences. Marketers must manage the precursors of choice by creating opportunities and removing barriers. Furthermore, they must reinforce choice consequences by creating the most appealing cost-benefit bundle in order to alter long term behavior and customer value. This can be achieved as a result of social marketing techniques optimizing various types of choice architecture. These social marketing techniques utilize insight into the sometimes irrational and emotional behavior of consumers – at the heart of behavioral economics - to incentivize profit-maximizing behaviors and enhance long-term customer value.

Behavioral economics can help firms improve online and other customer touch point marketing efficacy. Behavioral economics has been defined as “the combination of microeconomic concepts, principles and measures along with concepts, principles and experimental methods developed by behavior analysts” (Madden, 2000). As such, behavioral economists offer insight into how customers really make decisions – especially purchase decisions based upon the choices available to them – not just how they should rationally make decisions.
Behavioral economics differs from classical economics in that the (baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : kana_ati@yahoo.com atau kanaidi@poltekpos.ac.id
HP. 08122353284
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Learning from integrated marketing: How to optimise personalised customer marketing strategies

by : Angus Jenkinson
Published : Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice (2007) 8, 319 – 335

This paper considers the implications of integrated marketing
for direct marketers. Based on a model of integrated marketing
previously reported in the journal, it reviews fi ve customer
experience factors that form a single coherent driver of business
success as well as the antecedent business performance
characteristics that determine excellence in managing customer
experience. It suggests signifi cant practical changes for the practice
of communication planning and evaluation, and further argues that
the broad community of ‘ direct marketing ’ practitioners responsible
for managing personalised relationships has acquired a body of
skills and experience with considerable relevance to marketing best
practice, organisation development and strategy in general.

This is the second of two linked papers reviewing research fi ndings of
the Centre for Integrated Marketing and their implications for direct
marketers and others who have responsibility for managing customer
relations and / or generating personal communication tailored to the
interests and behaviours of segments and individuals, such as an
interactive webpage, mail / e-mail, mobile phone text, interactive TV,
and service or sales interaction. For the sake of convenience .....(baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : kana_ati@yahoo.com atau kanaidi@poltekpos.ac.id
HP. 08122353284
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by : Surendra Sisodia & Narendra Telrandhe
Published : Journal of Arts Science & Commerce ISSN 2229-4686
Vol.– I, Issue –1,October 2010

The present paper torches upon the emergence of integrated marketing communications (IMC) that has significantly influenced thinking and acting among all types of companies and organizations facing the realities of competition in the present open economy. It has been proved as an efficient promotional tool to communicate more universally, clear, and effectively. The paper put lights on various facets of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) especially in Indian Business Scenario. The challenges and scopes of IMC with the context of strategies, implementation, and audit have also been discussed.
Keywords : Integrated Marketing, Social networking, Indian Business

In today’s ever changing “Nanosecond Culture” of social networks, empowered customers and hyper competition, we need to be prepared to immediately implement holistic thinking for our marketing and communications strategy. With an increase in global competition, technological advances, and fast informed customers, it is important for businesses to make a powerful impact on target audiences and markets. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is one of the most important communications trends adopted all over. It is one such step toward an integrated approach to achieving efficiency by synergy.The emergence of this concept has become one of the most significant examples of development in the marketing discipline. It has influenced thinking and acting among companies but also authorities, state owned companies and political parties, all facing the realities of competition in an open economy.

The concept of IMC
As a concept IMC has become well known on an international scale during the 1990s. Thus IMC is a term whose widespread use is comparatively recent, a fact, which . .(baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : kana_ati@yahoo.com atau kanaidi@poltekpos.ac.id
HP. 08122353284
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Integrated Marketing Communications in Retailing

by : Kalyan Raman and Prasad A. Naik - 2007

A computer scientist, Mark Weiser, envisioned over a decade ago that future environments would be saturated with computing and communication capability, but yet gracefully integrated with human users (Weiser 1991). His vision manifests itself in smart environments, where useful technologies disappear and “weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” Retailing environments are poised to become such smart environments with modern technologies such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), wireless sensors, the ubiquitous Internet, and mobile computing. Communication is the central part of this smart retailing environment that proactively anticipates the consumer’s needs and makes recommendations to assist consumers’ decision-making process. The key challenge for retailers is to build strong brands by orchestrating in-store communications (e.g., Personal Shopping Assistant) with the usual out-of-store branding communications (e.g., print advertisement).
To achieve this orchestration, retailers will find the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) relevant for designing profitable marketing strategies.
We organize this chapter as follows. We first present the genesis and definition of IMC and review the standard multimedia model of communications. We next contrast this standard model with the IMC framework, highlighting how retailers should act differently to determine the amount and allocation of budgets in the presence of synergies that emerge within the IMC context. In addition, we discuss the effects of uncertainty on the profitability of IMC programs. Finally, we extend the IMC framework to futuristic retailing and identify new research avenues....(baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : kana_ati@yahoo.com atau kanaidi@poltekpos.ac.id
HP. 08122353284
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